Topics: Productivity - Motivation

We often fall into the trap of wanting to feel motivated before doing something. We keep waiting for that motivation, procrastinating until it comes.

Sure, motivation can come on it’s own and, when it does, it can be very inspiring. However, that won’t always happen. Motivation can only surely come once we’ve taken action. We will feel inspired once we’ve gotten started and the ball is rolling.

This is what’s behind habit building.

When nothing else inspires us, taking action is the first step. Motivation then comes and keeps us rolling.

L'appétit vient en mangeant

There’s this French phrase that summarises this concept nicely:

L’appétit vient en mangeant.

(Appetite comes by eating.)

We can’t depend on appetite to get things done. Sometimes we have to start doing things to get an appetite.

Do note that this is just a cycle, since Motivation Leads to Action.