Topics: Notkesto - Types of Notes

A Scinoto (Esperanto for “knowledge note”; pl. Scinotoj) is the Zettelkasten-oriented type of note of my Notkesto. All of the Scinotoj make up the Sciujo.


Scinotoj have the following features:

  • Scinotoj contain knowledge and thoughts (see Information vs. Knowledge).
  • Scinotoj are atomic, which means that one Scinoto contains one and only one concept/thought.
  • Scinotoj are linked between each other to promote information flow, thinking, analogy-making and insight.
  • Scinotoj are permanent. They are tended and taken care of, never abandoned.

Additionally, despite Spanish being my native language, all Scinotoj are written in English.


Scinotoj are made up of four parts:

  1. Title. The title of a given Scinoto serves as its identifier.

  2. YAML-formatted metadata. This includes (1) the title, (2) the date of creation, (3) the tags and (4) the aliases of the Scinoto.

    • The metadata itself becomes invisible when the Scinotoj are published. Currently, only the tags are parsed by obsidian-html.
  3. Topics. The single line that contains the overarching topics of a given Scinoto, in the form of linked Mapnotoj, Pinglonotoj or other Scinotoj.

  4. Body. The juicy bits of the Scinoto that contain the knowledge. The body may contain subheadings if necessary, but care must be taken to not violate the principle atomicity.

Sorting and Creation

Scinotoj are kept inside the Sciujo. They are marked by the 🧠 type.

They are created from scratch, whenever needed. The information goes straight from the source to a Scinoto without an intermediate step.

If the knowledge in a Scinoto comes from a given Tagnoto or Kursnoto (e.g. a topic seen in class or some important insight), the Scinoto is linked (or embedded, in the case of Kursnotoj) within that note. That way, there’s a direct Transient note → Knowledge obtained connection.