Topics: Notkesto - Types of Notes

A Kursmapo (Esperanto for “course map”; pl. Kursmapoj) is a Gvidonoto that is used to link notes together according to the course where they were created/modified.

Kursmapoj can be thought of as maps that help traverse all the topics seen during a given course. Kursmapoj can be useful when studying for an exam.

Temomapoj are very similar, but they instead link notes together according to an overarching topic.

Kursmapoj are marked by the 🏫 type.


Kursmapoj can only link to Scinotoj. The only Scinotoj that can be linked are the ones that were created or modified during the relevant course.

Unlike Temomapoj, Kursmapoj can only contain collections of links glued together by prose, such that the relationship between the different notes is always explained. This is to promote a true understanding of the knowledge involved.

Kursmapoj can have subheadings; this is especially common when dividing the different units/sections of a given course.