Topics: Queuing Model - Birth-Death Markov Process


An queue is a queuing model where:


Notice that this is basically a birth-death Markov process, since their arrivals also follow a Poisson process and the time between deaths also distributes exponentially.

Arrival and Service Rates


A queue has the following rates:

  • If , then:
    • for
    • for
  • If , then:
    • for
    • for
      • Alternatively, for

We consider an queue stable when its utilisation factor satisfies (i.e. ).

Performance Measures for


When , the model is and its performance measures are:

  • (utilisation factor)
  • for
  • for (the probability of having clients in the system)
  • (the expected amount of clients in the system)
  • (the expected amount of clients in the queue)
  • (the expected wait time in the system)
  • (the expected wait time in the queue)

Do note that this assumes that the system is stable (i.e. ).