Topics: Probability - Random Variable


Let be a real random variable whose range is .

A density function is a function that allows us to specify the probability of being a specific value (in the discrete case) or of falling within a particular range of values (in the continuous case, though indirectly, as you’ll see below).

Discrete Random Variables

When is a discrete random variable, we define the density function of as the function as:

…and the following must hold:

The density function of a discrete random variable does tell us the probability that the random variable takes exactly a specific value.

The density function of a discrete random variable is also called a mass function.

Absolutely Continuous Random Variables

When is an absolutely continuous random variable, we define the density function of as the function as:

…and the following must hold:

Many times, when simply saying density function, an absolutely continuous random variable is implied (with the discrete case using mass function).