Topics: Markov Decision Process

The policy improvement method can be used to find the optimal policy for a given MDP.

This method works by, given a policy, relating the expected total costs starting from a state () with the expected long term cost for the policy ().

There is a slightly different version of this method that takes into consideration a discount factor.


This method is an iterative algorithm. We will use as the iteration number.

Step 0

Before we can formally begin, we need to arbitrarily choose a viable policy as our starting policy (, first iteration).

Step 1

The first step is to solve the following linear equation system:

…where is the cost of making the decision in the state (as defined by the policy) and the transition probability from to when making the decision (as defined by the policy).

We’ll thus obtain:

  • , the expected long term cost for the policy
  • Every , the expected total cost starting from a state given the policy
    • …where , the expected total cost starting from the last state in the list of states, is set to be .

Step 2

The second step consists in finding an alternative policy such that, in every state , is the optimal decision to make. To do so, we will use the values previously we previously obtained (more specifically, every ).

That is, for every state , we will plug these values into the expressions:

…having one for every decision that can be made in . We will then pick the decision that yields the optimal result (the smallest if we deal with true costs, the largest if we deal with earnings). This will result in a new alternative policy .

Step 3

The third and last step is to determine whether we’ve obtained the optimal policy or not, continuing with another iteration if it is not the case.

If , then we have the optimal policy. If not, then we shall make another iteration ( and back to step 1).